Midtown Mornings September 29
The call went out just last Friday for personal stories on your experiences in Midtown. Your response leaves us speechless. We have received EIGHT completed stories already and promises of another 15! Please be sure that your story is written and emailed to me by this Friday. If you need until next week, no worries. See the criteria below and remember - this is just a guideline. We will accept stories through next Friday, but the more we get in the next few days, the more time our team has to format these and have them ready for reproduction in time for the kickoff event, Martinis Over Midtown. The event is scheduled for Thursday, November 9 at Nead Brand Partners, so please mark your calendars now. More details to come on this exciting evening of gourmet libations, food and high-powered networking. As for this Friday, expect to report on progress of your task team on moving a Midtown initiative forward. As always, chewy bagels and steaming coffee beckon. See you at 7:30-ish. Meeting at 8 am. See you then. The Midtown Marks :-)
Consider the following criteria for your story:
1. If possible, include an object that you can reference. For instance, if your experience is focused on exploring asian food in Midtown, suggest chopsticks, a decorated china plate or even a specific treat (ie: milk buns from Koko Bakery). If it's a specific object, please plan to bring this with you when your schportrait photography session is scheduled (more on this later).
2. Write in the first person ("I), since the success story includes a picture of you! Remember, the goal is to celebrate the people who appreciate Midtown and who provide the spirit and energy.
3. Keep your story to no more than 300 words. It can be shorter, if you like, but at least 200 words. Write in simple, direct sentences. No need to try to impress the reader with your vocabulary. The goal is to be honest, real and sincere. And it's ok to be funny or serious. Whatever suits your story and personality.
4. Consider what your story says about Midtown. Of course, we hope the stories will be positive and uplifting, but that doesn't mean you can't introduce a negative perception that you had, but have now overcome. Keep it real.
5. Focus on possibilities. In your story, try to connect your experience to what Midtown is today and, just as importantly, what you think it can BECOME. We are all trying to envision a better Midtown, one poised for amazing growth and development as a viable "hot spot" for entrepreneurship, innovation, hip living, and as a unique Cleveland destiination. What parts of your Midtown experience help you to see a stronger future for this area.
6. Forget boundaries. Don't worry if your story covers areas "outside" of Midtown. Keep in mind that "Midtown, My Town" encompasses Midtown as an idea, a state of mind. If your story includes downtown, or walking the streets of Chinatown along St. Clair, or driving to University Circle, that's fine. Think about your urban experiences and include Midtown, if it's not already the focal point.
7. Have fun! Don't make this a chore. Instead, look at it as an opportunity to speak out for your city and for this vital urban neighborhood. The idea is to educate others who have never thought about Midtown or who haven't gotten involved yet. Encourage your reader to explore and make a difference.
8. It doesn't have to be perfect - Our "editing staff" have agreed to look over your story for proper punctuation and spelling. If it runs long, we'll even edit it to fit, but we'd rather not mess with your words. Be sure to count your words before submitting.
9. Send your story to mzust@neadbrandpartners.com. It will be formatted and sent back to you for approval prior to the Martinis Over Midtown unveiling.
This will be the inaugural networking event to introduce your story. Learn more this Friday about how your stories will be featured at the event and beyond, and how to schedule your free portrait from professional photographer David Hagen. See you bright and early Friday!
Mark Zust, Growth Partner
NEAD Brand Partners
Strategic branding for all points of contact.
3635 Perkins Avenue, Suite 6a
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Phone: 216.431.9301 (Ext 13)
Fax: 216.431.9331
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